Sunday, 5 September 2010

choir competition * farewell

choir competition again and again and again==
It's really exhausted.
BUT, it's last competition in this year.=]
so, I wanna appreciate the time with you guys~
The competition held at SJKC Davidson.
This competition was important for us to defeat **** ***[ can't disclose the school's name]
KC choir, hwaiting!

this is my second=] left: wei yun, thong, eileen, jing ying, xin yi , yi ting and yin yen

This is my cutie senior. Thanks for your jacket=]

She's very skinny~

Finally, We defeated **** *** and won the gold 4
We all scream loudly like fan por.
lol, but we don't care what they say.

After that, we went to china town for farewell

teng wore same clothes with meXD

gam gam <3

